lördag 29 september 2012

Salvationarmys finest!

Photoshoot for "Stridsropet"!  A little propagandapaper that The Salvationarmy tryes to choke down peoples throats !.....just  kidding, but a fine photo that my daughter caught on camera earlier this summer! 

tisdag 25 september 2012

Jolly Jumper in Gasoline Magazine!

Hi There! Been a while since I had some time over for the chopperpart of my life......working hard to make my house a bit bigger and the temperature is close to zero outside so the bikes is collecting dust in the garage.....anyway,the latest issue of swedish magazine Gasoline arriwed today and in the pages you can see my Knucklehead luring!


Found these beauties....in my own attic! completely forgot about em´!
Might be something for the next build!
I have to build me some more bikes cause the saddle-stock is still massive! 
A picture of the Bluearc distributor upon request! Gettin me a little hotter wires til next summer...maybe some see-throu!